Unique blog with fresh pictoral news from Sydney. All images by Chris Bajkowski

Unikalny blog z bieżącymi fotoreportażami z największej australijskiej metropolii - Sydney. Zdjęcia - Chris Bajkowski

Saturday 16 April 2011

Archibald Prize 2011

Ben Quilty's portrait of Margaret Olley wins this year's Archibald Prize.

When Ben Quilty first asked legendary painter Margaret Olley to sit for him she said no. ‘Her lack of ego is so appealing,’ says Quilty. ‘Margaret didn’t understand why anyone would want to see a portrait of her.’
Quilty met Olley when she was a guest judge for the 2002 Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship, which he won. ‘She’s been a friend and great supporter of my work ever since,’ he says.
Born in Lismore in 1923, Olley was awarded the Order of Australia in 1991 for service as an artist and to the promotion of art. In 1996, she was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia.
‘She’s such an inspiration,’ says Quilty. ‘She was a feminist ahead of her time. She’s vigorously passionate about social and political issues, as well as art, and is enormously compassionate. Margaret has such an infectious attitude to both life and death. Recently, I was amazed at how many new works she had on the go. She said to me, “I’m like an old tree dying and setting forth flowers as fast as it can, while it still can.” I thought that was such a powerful metaphor.’
As for the bright palette: ‘You just need to walk into her home, which is also her studio, to see that you couldn’t use anything but striking colour. It’s full of translucent works-in-progress, beautiful drawings, sculptures and flowers, so I wanted the portrait to reflect that.’
Most of Quilty’s work to date has been about masculinity but he says, ‘Margaret has had such a powerful bearing on my career. She has asked me constantly for years to stop painting ugly skulls and paint something beautiful.’ Quilty has just finished a series of paintings of his wife.

This year, the 90th year of Archibald, there were 798 entries for Archibald, 810 for the Wynne and 633 entries for the Sulman. The Archibald and Wynne prizes are judged by the Trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. The judge for the Sulman Prize was Richard Bell.
The Archibald winner receives $50,000, the Wynne Prize winner receives $25,000 for landscape painting or figure sculpture, the Sulman Prize winner receives $20,000 for subject/genre painting and/or mural work and the Watercolour Prize (part of the Wynne Prize) winner receives $2,000.

On view
16 Apr – 26 Jun 2011
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Art Gallery Road, The Domain, Sydney

Saturday 2 April 2011

No Carbon Tax Rally

Ponad cztery tysiace ludzi zebrało się dzisiaj w sydnejskim Hyde Parku aby zaprotestowac przeciwko planom premier Julii Gillard wprowadzenia podatku od emisji CO2.
 Przemawiali m.in.  lider opozycji w Senacie, Eric Abetz, znany muzyk rokowy Angry Anderson i prezenterzy radiowi z 2UE i 2GB, Jason Morrison i Mike Williams. Niezadowolenie Australijczyków z polityki rządzacej Labour Party  obwiniania ludzi za zmiany klimatyczne i karania ich dodatkowymi podatkami zostalo wzmocnione po wczorajszym ujawnieniu analizy ekspertów , iż każde gospodarstwo domowe zapłaci ok. $900 rocznie za tzw „Carbon bill” Julii Gillard.