Unique blog with fresh pictoral news from Sydney. All images by Chris Bajkowski

Unikalny blog z bieżącymi fotoreportażami z największej australijskiej metropolii - Sydney. Zdjęcia - Chris Bajkowski

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Julian Assange's Support Rally

On 6th February 2011 the Wikileaks Support Coalition held a rally in Sydney on behalf of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Speaking at a rally held at Sydney's Town Hall in support of the 39-year-old Australian, Mr Brett Assange, Julian’s stepfater urged people to support his stepson as he prepared to face a London court this week.
The court will decide whether Julian Assange will be extradited to Sweden to face sexual-related allegations.
There is growing concern the internet whiz will then be extradited to the US, after a catalogue of high-profile leaked diplomatic and military cables were published on the WikiLeaks website.
Mr Assange said that the Swedish government had abused his stepson's human and his legal rights by "having him in line" for this extradition.
"They should be ready to grant him shelter instead," Mr Assange told the crowd assembled at the rally on Sunday.
"He's been nominated for a Nobel Prize so how could he be a criminal?
He's exposed global corruption everywhere, he's done no harm except to those who do harm the people," he said.
Julian Assange was nominated for the Sydney Peace Foundation's gold medal and the Nobel Peace Prize on the same day last week.
Both Julian Assange's mother and stepfather have criticised Prime Minister Julia Gillard for washing her hands of him.
Mr  Brett Assange said that people could show their support for Julian by getting in contact with their local member of parliament.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Chinese New Year Twilight Parade

O zachodzie słońca, w minioną niedzielę 2500 wykonawców wzięlo udział w dorocznej paradzie z okazji rozpoczecia nowego roku księżycowego. W paradzie uczestniczyli oprócz sydnejskich Chińczyków, 250-osobowa grupa tancerzy i muzyków z chińskiej prowioncji Hubei. Były również obecne maszerujące i tańczące zespoly koreańskiej społecznosci. W tym roku wśród dekoracji dominował Królik, jako że pod tym znakiem będzie przebiegał rozpoczęty wlaśnie kilka dni temu nowy chiński rok. Parada przeszła od Town Hall do Chinatown wśrod stutysięcznego tlumu mieszkańców Sydney. Jest to najwieksza tego rodzaju parada poza Azją.