Unique blog with fresh pictoral news from Sydney. All images by Chris Bajkowski

Unikalny blog z bieżącymi fotoreportażami z największej australijskiej metropolii - Sydney. Zdjęcia - Chris Bajkowski

Saturday 27 February 2010

Rainbow Sydney *2

Welcome to Australia and to the 33rd Mardi Gras. Dubbed "the best gay event in the world", this festival celebrates the diversity of gay and lesbian culture as it shares the Australian values of freedom of expression, tolerance and celebration with our international visitors.
Renowned for its satirical, political edge, Mardi Gras entertains milions of people with its invigorating maelstrom of extravagant costuming and chic events.

Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia

Friday 26 February 2010

Rainbow Sydney

Since its dramatic beginnings in 1878, the annual Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras has grown into an internationally significant celebration of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual identity, diversity and pride.(...)
I am proud of my association with Mardi Gras over the past 23 years and always look forward to joining my gay and lesbian friends in the 2010 Mardi Gras Parade. This year, I also look forward to raising the Rainbow Flag over the Town Hall to mark the beginning of the Mardi Gras season.

Clover Moore, Mayor of Sydney

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Lunar New Year Parade - Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa during Chinese New Year Parade in Sydney.

Falun Gong ( Falun Dafa) jest praktyką doskonalenia ciała i umysłu. Ćwiczenia i medytacje Falun Dafa według ćwiczących korzystnie wpływają na zdrowie i samopoczucie. Ćwiczących było w ChRL od 70 do 100 mln, zaliczali się do nich także wysoko postawieni funkcjonariusze KPCh.

20 lipca 1999 chińskie władze komunistyczne zabroniły praktykowania Falun Dafa, a naruszenie zakazu karane jest długoletnim więzieniem lub osadzeniem w obozie pracy. Władze komunistyczne podejrzane są o dokonywanie na praktykujących, często jeszcze za życia, grabieży organów, na przeszczepy dla zagranicznych turystów. Cudzoziemcy praktykujący Falun Gong w miejscach publicznych bywają z Chin wydalani.

Czlonkowie Falun Dafa wyróżniają cztery przyczyny tych prześladowań: paranoiczny strach dyktatora, przywódcy KPCh, z powodu błyskawicznego wzrostu ilości praktykujących i ogromnej popularności Falun Gong; jego silna zazdrość o popularność Falun Dafa; nieunikniony konflikt pomiędzy barbarzyńską polityczną ideologią reżimu komunistycznego, a jego przeciwieństwem, którym są zasady Falun Dafa: Prawda, Życzliwość i Cierpliwość; sama natura komunizmu, potrzebującego dla własnego przetrwania co jakiś czas uznawać pewną część społeczeństwa jako wroga klasowego aby móc go zwalczać.

Sunday 21 February 2010

Lunar New Year Parade

Starting at dusk, Sydney’s streets was transformed. Between Town Hall and Chinatown hip hop artists, stilt walkers, acrobats, traditional dance, martial arts, and stunning floats from the Australian Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese communities celebrating the Lunar New Year - this time the Year of the Tiger.

The parade is the centrepiece of Sydney's two-week festival for Chinese New Year, the largest outside Asia.

Saturday 20 February 2010

Victoria Park

Victoria Park is a large park in Sydney, situated on the corner of Parramatta road and City road, between the University of Sydney and Broadway Shopping Centre.


Broadway - road and Sydney urban locality, historically important because it is one of the first roads built in the colony of New South Wales, in 1794.
Broadway was once home to the flagship building of department store chain Grace Brothers until 1995, operating there for 90 years. It was visited by Queen Elizabeth II during her 1954 visit to Australia. Today this site contains the Broadway Shopping Centre and the Hotel UniLodge Sydney.

Broadway provides a link between the University of Sydney and the University of Technology.

Monday 8 February 2010

Cosplay Parade

Cosplay - short for costume play, part of Japanese culture, is the art of making costumes and dressing up as characters from anime, manga and video games and perform plays in character. For this first time in Australia, animania festival organised a Crosplay Parade for the Summer Japanese Festival at Darling Harbour.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Natsu-Matsuri in Sydney

Natsu-matsuri - Japanese Summer Festival took place today rainy afternoon in Palm Grove, Darling Harbour.It was pasionate performens of folk and modern Japaanese dancing & music, karate & sumo demonstrations, Anime Cosplay parade and also an array of tempting Japanese festival foods, including Colotako’s famous takoyaki (octopus dumplings).

soon more photos

Monday 1 February 2010

Kaldor Public Art Project 2009

Tatzu Nishi – war and peace and in between

Tatzu Nishi born 1960 in Nagoya, Japan, lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Since the late 1990s, Tatzu Nishi has been creating out-of-scale and out-ot-place encounters in public spaces around the world. In Sydney Nishi has transformed the Art Gallery’s of NSW two grand equestrian sculptures by Gilbert Bayes, The offerings of peace and The offerings of war, enclosing them in playful constructions that appear like domestic living spaces.